#ALERT: Political Prisoners in Europe

Since last Tuesday Europe has again 'Political Prisoners': Jordi Sanchez and Jordi Cuixart ("the Jordis" as its becoming popular to say in Catalonia). Obviously in Spain this will not be officially admitted but in Europe?? How can Europe stay silent?

The Jordis are formally charged with sedition at demonstrations of 20th and 21st of September (when Spanish Police burst in Catalan Government buildings to arrest management members of the Government) and later events during Referendum.
"The Jordis", on top of a Police car (with permission of the policemen), asking the crowd to leave the area.

Thousands of people went to the buildings while the police was still inside. Although "the Jordis" encouraged the crowd to leave the area after hours of demonstration, they have been preventively jailed. They could be in jail, without a definitive sentence, up to 2 years.

They are two of the most important players in the pro-independence movement, their organizations (with 80.000 member in total) organized every September the demonstrations where more than a million people took part. Always peaceful demonstrations.
September 11th 2014 Demonstration

The Times published the article "Vigil held for Catalan political prisoners". Nevertheless no one Spanish media has used the term "Political prisoners", following the official slogans in Madrid.

The same evening between 100.000 and 200.000 people took part of a candle vigil in Barcelona and other cities of Catalonia.
